My Holiday in Spain - March 2008
These are some photos from my holiday in Spain. This is of a sting ray which you could touch! Sting rays are as soft as velvet. They had their stings cut off so people could touch them. Sting rays are quite shy because they spent most of their time on the bottom of the pool. There was a huge ray which stayed with its partner, I supposed. But my dad pointed out that they might be different species because they had different patterns on their backs, different colours and different nose ridges on the front of their heads.
This is a turtle. I have to say it needed to have a bit of a clean. There was two turtles and they were huge! They must of weighed more than me and I am five stones! They had quite a big pool and they kept on coming up because I think they thought we had some food as a lady came round at about closing time. The turtles were very kind because they were posing for the cameras so if someone went to the glass they would come swimming over at high speed and started posing for the camera!
This is a three metre long sand castle. It was made out of the grainy sand. He had a bucket of water and a pointer. This photo was taken at ten o’clock at Puerto Pollença or, in English, Port Pollença. It was a beautiful beach during the day and the food there was fabulous. On the first meal of the day we went to a tapas restaurant and I thought I might try some squid so I ordered it and tried it. I put it in my mouth and it was really nice?!

This is a baby hammerhead shark and they were quite small. We were walking over the sharks instead of under them. Every so often they used to roll on their backs. I don’t know much about the sharks because the aquarium was going to close soon but their dorsal fin kept on skimming above the water.