Brandeston New Village Hall
The Street, Brandeston, Woodbridge, Suffolk IP13 7AD
The New Hall – In Summary
From this ......
...... to this 
Following an outline review initiated in 1996 a Project Team was formed in 1998, with strong village support, to evaluate the feasibility of replacing the venerable and much-loved old hut with a modern hall. The conclusions were very positive and lead to a funding and planning programme to develop a design which complemented the conservation nature of the centre of the village at a cost which could be afforded. By 2003/4, and after a huge team effort (supported throughout by the village under the banner FolkalPoint Brandeston), the design had been refined and the main funding secured, and villagers themselves had contributed a very significant proportion. Construction began in 2004 and the hall was formally opened on schedule on 1st April 2005.
Since then, activities have grown in number and variety as reflects diverse interests and groups, and include coffee mornings, the fete, the Horkey, wedding celebrations, funeral wakes, ballroom/latin dancing, tap dancing, table tennis, community lunches, Carriage Driving for the Disabled, film nights, Pilates, whist, Mothers and Toddlers, fireworks, BBQ’s and so it goes on .…. the build project and the present successful use of the hall is down, of course, to the enthusiastic support of so many Brandestonians who have willingly given their precious time to make it happen.
We are proud of our new hall as it meets our requirements so well, and it is gratifying to see how many visitors are also complimentary and this is reflected by the scale of outside bookings we receive without advertising. The full story of the new hall starts on the next page.
Read Nick Hayward’s full account of the project here.....