FAQs On How PROPS Works
How does it work?
Members request their oil requirements by e mail to props11@btinternet.com before the pre advised “Cut Off” dates.
- The day following the "Cut Off" date, the requests received by PROPS are aggregated to arrive at a bulk figure.
- Next, several suppliers will be contacted to obtain the best price per litre and delivery for the bulk figure.
- The individual members’ requests will then be forwarded to the chosen supplier.
- The chosen supplier will be asked to contact each member and make the necessary arrangements regarding delivery and payment.
How do I become a member of PROPS?
By filling out a registration form and e-mailing it to props11@btinternet.com.
Membership is FREE. Once completed your details will be held ready for when you need to request oil. There is no obligation to request oil until you are ready to do so.
Oil Delivery Dates
Deliveries are arranged for six times a year until further notice; however, this is dependent on the capabilities of the delivery company, demand and outside influences. Your request for oil must be placed before the order cut off date; delivery to be advised by the supplier
How do I order my oil?
By visiting the PROPS web site and filling in the online form.
Is there a minimum oil order size?
Yes, 500 litres in multiples of 100 litres at any one delivery. Your order amount needs to be as accurate as possible, to the nearest 100 litres, as this affects the discount on the volume ordered.
How do I pay for my oil?
Payments are by cash, credit/debit card or cheque. Standing orders are NOT possible as householders will not know in advance who the selected oil supplier will be or the negotiated price. This will only be ascertained once the bulk request is placed by .
Can I pay for the oil through PROPS?
No. The chosen oil supplier will be asked to confirm the order and the agreed Syndicate price (including 5% VAT) for that specific delivery. Your credit or debit card may be taken for payment. Some oil suppliers will also accept a cheque to be given to the driver on the day of delivery. (Please remember that credit cards usually attract an additional charge)
Can I get the syndicate discounted price if I don’t order though the scheme?
No. If you need oil urgently outside the scheduled ordering dates you are free to negotiate with any supplier and still request your next delivery through PROPS as a registered member.