All Saints’ Church, Brandeston
Church Council
Minutes of
the meeting held on Tuesday 15th November 2007
Present: Mr McArthur (Chairman)
Mr Baker
Mrs Baker
Mrs Demetriadi
Dr Fletcher
Mr Garratt
Mrs Jeffery,
Miss Leach
Mrs Matthews
Mrs Molyneux
Mrs Moore
Mrs Woodland
The Revd Robin Alderson
attended the meeting
The meeting opened with a prayer.
There were apologies for absence from Mr Drummond
2) Minutes of
the meeting held on 19th September 2007
These were
approved. Mrs Jeffery was present.
3) Matters arising from the minutes
It was considered that the evening of ghost stories
was contrary to the spirituality of the church and would be better off held
elsewhere. Miss Leach has enquired about the availability of the village hall
on January 12th and will confirm the booking.
The place of the Church in the community will be
discussed at the next meeting.
4) Maps:
Woodland still has two maps that have been bought but not collected. All the
maps have been sold. There was discussion about the status of the maps in the
village hall. Were they lent or given to the village hall? If they belong to
us, are they insured? The fixtures and fittings of the village hall are well
insured. Mrs Baker will write a letter to the village hall confirming that the
maps have been given and requesting that they should not be disposed of. If, at
any time, they are no longer required by the village
hall, they should be returned to the PCC. The insurance value was set at £400.
It was confirmed that we have copies of some of the maps and there are more copies
in the Records Office. Mrs Woodland was thanked for all her work on this
5) Financial report
A written report is included with these minutes. It was agreed that we should pay the £540 of the quota that we had previously planned to hold back. There will be a meeting of the three benefice treasurers in the New Year to sort out next year’s quota payments. Next year’s increase should be significantly smaller than this year’s.
Mr Baker recommended that we pay the full £9 700 next year so we would need to put the Summer Fête money into the General Fund and not the Fabric Fund. It was agreed that we should leave things as they are, putting the fete money into the Fabric Fund, but with an option to transfer it if necessary, after the approval of the Church Officers has been obtained. We will not be in a situation to pick up the shortfall of Kettleburgh.
Charitable Giving
Charitable giving this year has, so far, been: £50 for the Archdeacon’s retirement, £25 for the Suffolk Historic Churches’ Trust, £50 for the Historic Churches Preservation Trust.
It was agreed that we should make this up to £200 by making a donation of £75 to the Red Cross.
Mr Alderson left the meeting at this point.
6) Deanery Synod Report
The written report was discussed.
7) Fund Raising and forthcoming events
Induction service
The arrangements for the service and the
refreshments in the village hall were discussed. The rehearsal date was fixed
and Mrs Demetriadi was given permission to spend £50 on flowers.
Everyone who helped with the church cleaning at the
weekend was thanked. Organisation of the cleaning rota has been passed to Mrs
Jeffery and Mrs Matthews.
Chris Parfitt’s talk
This will take place on 2nd December in
the village hall at 3.00pm.
Ghost stories on 12th
Tickets, posters and flyers will be organised by Mrs
Moore and Mr Garratt.
21st June – Summer
The bike ride raised £635 for our parish from 4
cyclists. An article will be placed in the magazine.
8) Pattern of Services
Matthews will continue to play for 2 services a month and will take Mr
Alderson’s first service. Mrs Weston will be asked to play for one service per
month. The pattern of services will remain the same with the addition of an 8
o’clock BCP communion service on the 2nd Sunday of the month.
will be a meeting of elders on 5th December to plan services for
next year. The 5th Sunday of the month will be a Benefice service.
9) Electoral Roll
The names
of Mrs Ogilvie and Mr Kissick-Jones have been added to the roll.
10) Child protection.
There have been no reported incidents . The policy is up to date.
It was agreed that the minutes of meetings, along
with the times and dates of services and bell-ringing, should be placed on the
village website.
12) Date of next meeting:
Tuesday 22nd January 2008 at Office Farm House
at 7.30pm.