All Saints’ Church, Brandeston
Parochial Church Council
Minutes of the meeting held on Monday 3rd March 2008

Present:          Revd Robin Alderson

                        Mr Baker

                        Mrs Baker

                        Mrs Demetriadi 

                        Mr Drummond

                        Dr Fletcher

Mr Garratt

Mrs Jeffery,

Mrs Matthews

Mr McArthur

                        Mrs Molyneux

                        Mrs Moore   

                        Mrs Woodland      


The meeting opened with a prayer.


1) There were apologies for absence from Miss Leach


2) Minutes of the meeting held on 22nd January 2008

These were approved.


3)  Matters arising from the minutes.


Mrs Woodland still has two maps, She will contact Mr and Mrs Harris.


The projector and tablecloth from the vestry have gone to Abbotts to be sold.


We do not yet need to worry about reading banns in the other parishes of the benefice. The new procedures will come into force soon.


4) Accounts and Annual Report

Graham Rice, our Independent Examiner, has completed his work on the accounts for 2007. He has made some changes to reflect more accurately how much we made as a parish. The income tax recovered, including that for the gates, has been directed into the Fabric Fund along with any donations that were received. This has had the effect of reducing the income in the General Fund. Mr Rice wanted to show that we paid the exact amount of the quota, including £2000 from the previous year. This shows that, over the year, we made a loss of £900. This was taken from the General Reserve. This arrangement should make things clear to the Diocesan Board of Finance.


The parish share for 2008.

Easton have already agreed to pay a 10% rise to £6897, Kettleburgh will pay all their £7000, a  large increase, so we will be left with an increase of £132, just 1.4%.


 The Caring Fund is not being used very much. Mr Alderson will consider possible uses.


The annual report was corrected and an article on bell ringing will be inserted.

 Mrs Woodland proposed and Mr Garratt seconded the adoption of the report and accounts. Everyone was in favour. 




5) Mortuary Chapel Report

We have received a verbal estimate of £325 from Jeff Hogan to tidy up the tomb. We will be able to use the original bricks. The family will be informed that the work is being done. Mrs Baker will write to them. It was agreed that we should use the remains of the Cemetery Fund and the balance from elsewhere, to pay Mr Hogan.


6) There has been no meeting of the Deanery Synod.


7) Restoration

No restoration work has taken place.


8) Fund Raising and forthcoming events

The evening of ghost stories will take place next year, possibly in the Mortuary Chapel in the autumn.


Miss Leach and Mrs Moore are organising another Chris Parfitt talk - this time, on his trip to Antarctica. This will take place on Sunday October 12th from 3.00pm to 6.00pm, with teas.


We need someone to help with the organisation of the bike ride. Mrs Woodland will help with rotas and we will speak to local bike riders e.g. Karren Piper, Marion Hutson and Helen Fletcher.


We are still hoping to have a musical event, organised with the Chapmans.


There will be a planning meeting for the fête (21st June) on Wednesday 7th May. Mr McArthur will speak to Sue Thurlow.


A wedding, with flowers by the church arrangers, will take place on 18th July.                              


9) Benefice Meeting

Please come to the meeting of the three PCCs on Monday 12th May. Mr Alderson will supply the theme and the agenda.


10) Child Protection.

Mrs Jeffery is willing to take on the responsibility for vulnerable adults in addition to children and young people. Mr Alderson will see Miss Leach. Mr Drummond proposed that we approve the policy but include the word “procedures” in the title.


11) Annual Parochial Church Meetings                      

Weds 16th April

Please bring nibbles and a bottle of wine each.

Mary Moore will speak about Orkney and the Italian Chapel.


12) Dates

June 21st       Fête

October 12th Antarctica slide show.

Pictures from the vestry have been reframed by Mr Garratt and Brandeston Hall. Mr McArthur will frame a photograph of Reverend Graham Vellacott and “Jacko”, the donkey, at the Rogation Sunday service.


Date of next meeting: Monday June 2nd at Office Farm House at 7.30 pm.




All Saints’ Church, Brandeston
Parochial Church Council
Minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 16th April 2008


Election of Officers


Position                                Nominated person Proposed by                        Seconded by


Vice chairman                     Chris McArthur          John Garratt               Eileen Leach


Secretary                              Mary Baker                Robin Alderson         Wilda Woodland


Treasurer                              Paul Baker                 Alison Molyneux        Clemency Cunliffe


Trees Officer                        John Garratt               Kelly Jeffery               Alison Molyneux


Electoral Roll Officer         David Risk                 Anthony Fletcher       Eileen Leach


There was only one nomination for each post so those nominated were elected unapposed.


The PCC received the approved annual report from the APCM.


Mr Alderson explained the new marriage laws regarding the freedom to marry in churches other than one’s own parish.


The next meeting will be a joint meeting of the benefice PCCs on May 19th in the Village Hall.


The next PCC meeting will be Monday June 2nd at Office Farm House at 7.30 pm.



All Saints’ Church, Brandeston
Parochial Church Council


A meeting will be held on Monday June 2nd 2008 at Office Farm House at 7.30 pm.




  1. Apologies for absence.
  2. Minutes of the meeting held on March 3rd 2008
  3. Minutes of the meeting held on April 16th  2008
  4. Matters arising from the minutes.
  5. Financial report
  6. Fund raising
  7. Joint meeting of PCCs
  8. Deanery Synod report
  9. Restoration
  10. Mortuary Chapel report
  11. Child / vulnerable adult protection.
  12. Correspondence- bench in churchyard
  13. Dates
  14. Next meeting


