Minutes of a Meeting of the Council held at the Village Hall on Wednesday, 28 March 2007



Councillors D Risk (Chairman) (DR), P Summers (PS), C McArthur (CM), P Summers (PS), J Garratt (JG), H Saxton (HS) and K Churchill (KC)

Parish Clerk and RFO A M Hounsell


1-0607/8 - Welcome and Apologies.

The Chairman welcomed Councillors to the meeting. It was noted that S Thurlow was away and would not have received notice of the meeting prior to departure – therefore, she was unable to give apologies.


2-0607/8 - Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.


3-0607/8 – Local Development Framework

CM advised that he and PS had reviewed the questionnaire from SCDC and agreed that the response should be that of the council as a whole and not their personal views. After discussion the council agreed to complete the form as per the attached and for CM to return to SCDC.


4-0607/8 - Variation to the agenda business

The Chairman agreed to permit discussion as follows :-

            The council agreed payment of £4 to BVH&RG as hire charge for this meeting.


Date of Next Meetings

Dates of next meetings were confirmed (as previously agreed) as 16 April 2007 (Parish Plan meeting at 8.00 pm), 25 April 2007 (Council meeting at 7.00 pm followed by Annual Parish Meeting at 8.00 pm and 09 May at 8.0 for the annual council meeting.


The meeting closed at 9.00 pm