Minutes of a Meeting of the Council held at the Village Hall on Wednesday, 26 September 2007



Councillors D Risk (Chairman) (DR), H Saxton (HS), W Elson (WE), P Summers (PS), and J Fielder (JF),

Parish Clerk and RFO A M Hounsell

District Councillor R Snell and Cty. Cllr P Bellfield

Parishioners N Hayward, Mr N Holland Brown and Ms A Law

Mr M Ruffles (part time)


1-0708/5 – Chairman’s Welcome and Apologies for Absence

The Chairman welcomed Councillors and visitors to the meeting and advised that there were apologies for absence from Councillors S Thurlow (ST) and K Churchill (KC) and from Parish Historical Recorder, W Woodland.


2-0708/5 – To Receive Councillors’ Declaration of Interest in Agenda Items

JF indicated that he understood that agenda item 5 would include consideration of application C07/1513/FUL (Sorell Cottage, Friday St., Erection of side and rear extensions) which is his immediate neighbour. Therefore, he declared an interest. There were no other declarations of interest.


3-0708/5 – Minutes of Previous Meetings

Since several Councillors appeared not to have received the minutes of the meetings of 11 July and 22 August 2007, minute approval was deferred until the next meeting.


4-0708/5 – Matters arising from previous minutes

(i)                  Councillors’ Register of Interests (previous minute 4-0708/3 (i))

The Clerk confirmed that he had received blank Register of Interests forms and these had been distributed to councillors. Response had been received from DR, HS, KC, JF and WE. Completion is still required from PS and ST.

(ii)                 Audit of Village Hall Accounts (previous minute 4-0708/3 (ii))

In the absence of ST, this matter was carried forward to the next meeting.

(iii)        Planning Application C04/0438 – Red House Farm, Conversion of barn to residential dwelling (previous minutes 4-0707/3 (iii) and 5-0708/4)

The Clerk advised that he had written to SCDC as instructed by the council at the meeting of 22 August 2007. No proper reply had been received but an email of 06 September and notes received on 15 September had clarified some points. The notes indicated that the SCDC Development Control Sub-committee (at their meeting on 19 September 2007) would consider SCDC Planning Department’s recommendation that the changes to the barn structure be considered minor and be permitted by means of an amendment to the existing consent. Due to the short timescale, the Clerk had requested that the Sub-committee defer a decision on the recommendation pending proper consideration by BPC at their meeting on 26 September 2007. This was rejected. However, The Chairman and the Clerk had attended the Sub-committee meeting. The decision was taken that the Planning Dept be permitted to treat the changes as minor by amendment to the existing approval, provided that Brandeston Parish Council did not raise any new material issues arising from its meeting on 26 September.

The Chairman then adjourned the meeting to permit the discussion appended in the notes hereto.

The Chairman then reconvened the meeting

The Clerk was instructed to write to SCDC, Planning Dept. setting out the Council’s views as stated in the appended notes and requesting that this development be properly supervised such that no further breaches of the consent are permitted.

(iv)        Routing of FP14 (previous minute 4-0708/3 (iv))

The Clerk confirmed that Cty. Cllr Bellfield had taken up the matter of the incorrect description of FP 14 with the SCC officers and he had confirmed to the Clerk that they would undertake corrective action.

The Chairman adjourned the meeting to permit Cty. Cllr Bellfield to comment as appended in the notes (below)

The Chairman then reconvened the meeting

(v)         Erection of mirror for Blacksmith’s Barn (previous minute 12-0708/3 (v))

The Clerk advised that he had written to Mr and Mrs Moody as instructed by the previous meeting. It was noted that the mirror was now erected.

(vi)        Planning application C07/1223/FUL – 53 The Street, Erection of first floor extension and other works (previous minute 3-0707/4)

The Clerk confirmed that he had written to SCDC, Planning Dept. as instructed by the previous meeting. No further communication had been received.

(vii)       Planning application C07/1491/FUL – Rose Farm Cottage, Mutton Lane, Change of use from agricultural to garden (previous minute 4-0708/4)

The Clerk confirmed that he had written to SCDC, Planning Dept. as instructed by the previous meeting. No further communication had been received.


9/1-0708/5 - Any other business as may be raised and accepted as appropriate by the Chairman

The Chairman brought this item forward on the agenda to permit Dist. Cllr. Snell to advise the Council as indicated in the appended notes

The Chairman then reconvened the meeting and reverted to the published agenda sequence


5-0708/5 - Planning

(i)         Application C07/0979/FUL and C07/0933/LBC – Hill Farm, Friday Street, Single storey extension

The Clerk advised that these applications had been approved

(ii)                 Application C07/1513/FUL (Sorell Cottage, Friday St., Erection of Side and rear extensions)

The Clerk confirmed that he had written to SCDC advising the council’s comments that they considered that the exterior finishes served to identify the “growth” of the property and questioning why weatherboarding is always black – a full range of other colours are available and the Conservation Officer should consider alternatives. No other objections were raised by the Council.

(iii)               Application C07/1731/FUL Brandeston Hall – Additional classrooms

The Council noted that in the context of the site, the change is away from the old buildings and is located in the area of new buildings. It was considered that the proposal did not affect the setting of a listed building or the character of the conservation area. Accordingly, the Council approved the application but the Clerk was instructed to point out that the red-line area on the site plan does not encompass the whole site and that any development at the school should be considered in the context of the WHOLE site


6-0708/5 – Financial Report by RFO (The Clerk)

The Clerk circulated the current cashbook statement and advised that the main account has a current balance of £1,721.32 and the 100+ account a balance of £364.18 (both after allowing accruals for cheques raised and for latest receipts). The Clerk pointed out that there were various future expenses to be met (such as audit and election costs) and that the second precept payment income was due at the end of September. He confirmed that the Council’s finances continued to be satisfactory


7-0708/5 – Financial Matters

(i)         The Council agreed payment to BVH&RG of £8.00 for room hire for the next meeting at the village hall on a date to be agreed.

(ii)        The Councillors confirmed that they had read and agreed to the terms required by Barclays Bank for amendment of the signatories of the council’s accounts. They provided completed personal details forms for DR, HS and WE (main account) and for HS and WE (100+ account). KC had indicated to the Clerk that she was in the midst of changing her own bank details from her maiden name to her married name. Accordingly, full completion change in the details for the 100+ account was left in abeyance. The Clerk confirmed that he also required identification papers as per Barclays’ requirements. The Council then resolved (in respect of the Community Account and the 100+ Account) that :-

1.                  the Council cancel the Council’s existing mandates with Barclays Bank PLC (the Bank) (except in relation to cheques and other instructions given before the Bank receives this resolution);

2.                  the Council accept the terms of the Barclays Customer Agreement and confirm such acceptance to the Bank by completing the Bank’s form of Appointment of Bankers;

3.                  the Council authorise any individual named in Section 2 (an “authorised person”) either individually or, if relevant, with other authorised person(s) in accordance with Section 3 to:

(a)     enter into any other agreements with the Bank (including banking facility agreements and indemnities) which they consider to be in the interests of the Council from time-to-time; and

(b)     give instructions concerning the operation of the Council’s bank accounts and otherwise communicate with Bank in each case in writing or verbally, in accordance with the Customer Agreement.

The Council agreed that it did not wish to register for the Bank’s telephone and computer facility.

The Clerk was instructed to complete the formalities with Barclays Bank for the community account and the 100+ account (to follow)

(iii)        Budget for Parish Plan project

The Council reviewed the proposed grant application and budget presented by the Brandeston Parish Plan Steering Group. ₤66.66)  The Council approved the budget of ₤1,333.23 and further approved a contribution towards this budget of ₤66.66 from the Council. Accordingly, it was agreed that the grant application (in the amount of ₤1,266.56) be forwarded to Suffolk ACRE.


8-0708/5 – Correspondence

There were no matters for discussion under this heading.


9-0708/5 - Any other business as may be raised and accepted as appropriate by the Chairman

There were no matters raised for discussion under this item.




Date of Next Meeting

Date of next meeting was confirmed as 14 November 2007 at 8.00 pm at the village hall.


The meeting closed at 10.25 pm



NOTES OF DISCUSSION ON RED HOUSE BARN (see minute 4-0708/5 (iii))

Mr Ruffles advised that he had sent a letter to SCDC on 29 August 2007 indicating that he believed that condition 3 of the consent (details of windows, doors etc) had been met by previous provision of drawings - albeit that the annotated scale on the drawings was incorrect but the drawings were actually of the required scale.

Mr. Ruffles provided to the meeting a number of photographs and sketches (of the proposed new oak structure intended to replace the barn structure removed and burnt), which he had also provided to SCDC, Planning Dept.

Councilors stated that they considered that the proposed introduction of a new oak frame cannot be considered a “minor” amendment to the existing permission. Condition 2 of the permission C04/0086 is clear in its requirement that the barn should be repaired in accordance with an approved schedule of works prior to conversion works commencing. They strongly believe that it is now incumbent upon the Mr. Ruffles to demonstrate that the remaining elements of the original frame are both sufficient in number and still capable of repair in order to proceed in accordance with the existing planning permission.

They further stated that in their view, the details shown to them by Mr. Ruffles did not constitute a satisfactory schedule of repairs. Such a schedule should include, but not be limited to, a complete frame survey showing the remaining old timbers and plinth walls, details of how the existing and any new members integrate and complete details of the repairs to those of the existing members which are to be retained. A design drawing for a new oak frame building and a few photographs of what timbers remain is simply not sufficient and the District Council would be falling well short of their duty to the parish of Brandeston if this level of detail were to be accepted.

Councilors stated that if Mr. Ruffles were successful in presenting a comprehensive schedule of repairs which the District Council are able to approve, then it is essential that these repairs be completed before any conversion work is commenced (as per condition 2 of the consent). All other conditions of the existing consent must be strictly adhered to – in particular conditions 3, 4 and 6. The current position is that these conditions have not been met. Councilors were firmly of the view that unless all these issues can be satisfactorily addressed, then they consider that the existing consent is not capable of being implemented and a new application is necessary



Councillor Bellfield stated that he had spoken further to SCC Officers and asked them to write to BPC with regard to FP 14 and confirm that the change of description of FP14 would be undertaken by them at no cost to BPC



Dist Cllr Snell advised that SCDC’s committee memberships had been finalised and that he has been appointed cabinet member for young people. SCDC has published its strategy (now approved) for play, which is available on the SCDC website. He noted that the public enquiry for Monewden airfield was successful insofar as the Inspector had upheld the Enforcement Notice but had made recommendations for a new planning application, including permitting 600 aircraft movements per annum compared to the current permission for 400. He advised that there was a forthcoming planning application for 6 eco-holiday units at Easton Farm Park which was considered likely to be passed. However, a similar scheme at Charsfield was understood as likely to be withdrawn in the face of considerable local opposition.

A site visit to Northampton had been made related to consideration of proposals for changes at Parham wind farm site.

Cllr Snell reported that good progress was being made on the new local plan with consideration being given to the views of all district residents. Cllr Snell also confirmed the decision of the Development Control Sub-committee in respect of Red House Barn as reported by the Clerk.