Minutes of a Meeting of the Council held at the Village Hall on Wednesday, 25 April 2007



Councillors D Risk (Chairman) (DR), S Thurlow (ST), C McArthur (CM), J Garratt (JG), H Saxton (HS) and K Churchill (KC)

County Cllr P Bellfield

Parish Historical Recorder W Woodland

Parish Clerk and RFO A M Hounsell


1-0708/1 - Welcome and Apologies.

The Chairman welcomed Councillors and visitors to the meeting and advised that there were no apologies for absence.


2-0708/1 - Declarations of Interest

ST declared interest in agenda item 7 (b)


3-0708/1 - Previous Minutes

The minutes of the meetings of 21 February 2007 and 28 March 2007 were approved and signed as true records


4-0708/1 - Matters arising from previous minutes.

(i)      Speeding in The Street (previous minute 4-0607/7 (i))

The Clerk advised that he had received reply from SCC regarding deployment of their SID equipment with results of tests at Low Lane (average speeds 32.7 eastbound and 29.2 westbound) and at Old Maids Lane (37.4 eastbound and 32.3 westbound). Future visits will be dependent on the SID “ranking”.

ST pointed out that the average speeds are not the issue but that high speeds are the danger. KC stated out that she had observed speed checks being done but at school holidays when it is known that those most frequently exceeding the limits do not travel through the village.

The Clerk was instructed to write to SCC pointing out that average speeds are not the issue and requesting further attendance.

(ii)      Local Development Framework (previous minute 4-0607/7 (ii) and 3-0607/8)

CM confirmed that the response to SCDC, which had been agreed by the council at the meeting of 28 March 2007 had been forwarded by the due date of 04 April 2007.

(iii)     Drainage in The Street (previous minute 4-0607/7 (iii))

The Clerk advised that Mr David Fawcett of SCC had confirmed receipt of the council’s communications advising of agreement by the residents of 37 The Street to the works in their garden and of the council’s acceptance of the quotation for the works at the entrance to the village hall. Unfortunately these works and those adjacent to Mr O’Brien’s property would not be carried out until June due to the current ongoing heavy workload of the SCC Highways Department. In the meantime, SCC have carried a temporary repair at the hall gates.

The Clerk was instructed to advise SCC that the future works must not disrupt the village fete on 23 June 2007.

(iv)     Audit of Village Hall Accounts (previous minute 4-0607/7 (iv))

ST stated that some progress has been made in providing the required further information to the external auditors but that this was ongoing due to the sheer volume of minutes needing examination.         

(v)      Re-naming of Low Street (previous minute 4-0607/7 (vi))

The Clerk reported that the circular had been issued to the residents indicated in the previous minutes had been issued and replies received showing 8 – 3 against the proposal The council agreed that due to the response they would take no further action.

The Clerk suggested that he write advising those previously contacted of this decision. The Council agreed.

(vi)          Entry in the Village of the Year competition (previous minute 8-0607/7)

ST confirmed that entry had been made and that she would place an item in the Parish magazine asking villagers to take extra effort to keep the village tidy.


5-0708/1 - Planning

(i)             The Clerk advised that reply had been received from SCDC indicating that application C06/2241 (Revised scheme – Master’s House, Brandeston Hall) would be approved after a Legal Agreement (as requested by the Council) had been reached tying the occupancy of the building to the school. No further communication has been received.

(ii)           Application no C07/0438 -16 Low Street (conversion of existing garage to dining/utility room)

The Council agreed that they believe that the windows included in the proposal would be better in wood and not PVC.

The Clerk was instructed to advise SCDC.

(iii)          Previous approved application C04/0086 – Conversion of barn to residential dwelling with curtilage grounds and associated paddock/orchard – land to the west of Red House Farm, The Street, Brandeston

The meeting noted a number of breaches of the terms of the above consent :-

(i)                   builder’s rubbish being brought to the site from other locations

(ii)                 building materials being temporarily stored on site before being moved elsewhere (and therefore clearly not required for this development)

(iii)                builder’s equipment being temporarily stored on site without being used for this development.

(iv)                storage of boats on site.

(v)                  sheep being housed in the buildings on the site

The Clerk was instructed to write to SCDC pointing out (i) the above, (ii) that it appeared that the site was being used as a builder’s yard in breach of consent conditions and (iii) requesting that prompt and appropriate enforcement action be taken.


6-0708/1 – Financial Report by RFO (The Clerk)

(i)             The Clerk circulated the current cashbook position for both Council accounts. The main account has a current balance of £1,964.29 and the 100+ account a balance of £1,364.98 (both after allowing accruals for cheques raised and for latest receipts). The Clerk confirmed receipt of the 2006-07 VAT refund and that council’s finances continued to be satisfactory.

(ii)           The Clerk also confirmed that the precept application had been submitted for £2050 as agreed by the Council and that two equal payments would be made in April and September 2007.


7-0708/1 – Financial Matters

The Council approved payments as follows :-

(i)             £8.00 for room hire for the council meeting on 09 May 2007. ST withdrew from the meeting for this item.

(ii)      Payments of 100+ Club prizes of  £140 (payable 25 April 2007) and further payments of £140 (payable 01 August 2007), £185 (payable 01 November 2007) and £105 (payable 01 January 2008) (All from 100+ account – total £570)

(iii)     £100.60 to Suffolk Association of Local Councils for 2007-08 subscription.

(iv)     The Council agreed to change the second 100+ account signatory from CM to HS.



8-0708/1 – Correspondence

(i)      The Chairman advised the meeting of the correspondence concerning a new Code of Conduct for Councillors. The Chairman then adjourned the meeting to permit Cty. Cllr. Bellfield to offer comment as indicated in the attached notes.

The Chairman then reconvened the meeting

(ii)      Public Enquiry into routing of FP14 - ST pointed out the error in the direction wording of FP14 in the written result of the public enquiry. (The wording states that the path runs from The Queens Head). The Chairman advised that this had been raised at the public enquiry but that the Inspector stated that this was not in the remit of the enquiry. The Clerk was asked to write to SCC pointing out this error and requesting correction.


9-0708/1 – Any other business as may be raised and accepted as appropriate by the Chairman

The Chairman pointed out that since there were only 5 nominations for the new council, it would be necessary to co-opt 2 further members.


Date of Next Meetings

The date of the next meeting was confirmed as 09 May 2007 at 8.00 pm at the village hall.


The meeting closed at 8.00 pm




Cty. Cllr. advised that the new code would (for example) permit ST (as village hall management committee chair) to remain in attendance and speak on matters appertaining to the hall but not to vote. (ST currently is required to withdraw from the meeting for such items)