Minutes of a Meeting of the Council held at the Village Hall on Wednesday, 06 December 2006



Councillors D Risk (Chairman) (DR), P Summers (PS), J Garratt (JG), H Saxton (HS), S Thurlow (ST)) and K Churchill (KC)

County Councillor P Bellfield

Parish Clerk and RFO A M Hounsell

Parishioner Mr R O’Brien


1-0607/6 - Welcome and Apologies.

The Chairman welcomed Councillors and visitors to the meeting and advised that there were apologies for absence from Cllr. C McArthur and Mrs W Woodland (Parish Historical Recorder)


2-0607/6 - Declarations of Interest

ST declared interest in agenda item 7(i)


3-0607/6 - Previous Minutes

The minutes of the meeting of 04 October 2006 were approved and signed as a true record


4-0607/6 - Matters arising from previous minutes.

(i)      Speeding in The Street (previous minute 4-0607/5 (iii))

The Clerk confirmed that he had written to SCC, East Area Highways requesting that their “SID” equipment be brought to Brandeston. Reply has been received advising that this subject was dealt with at Endeavour House, Ipswich and the Council’s request had been forwarded there. No further reply has been received.

The Clerk also advised that he had written to SCC’s noise expert who had replied indicating that this was a subjective issue and providing some written data. Councillors agreed to review data forwarded and revert if thought appropriate.

(ii)      Local Development Framework (previous minute 4-0607/5 (iv))

PS confirmed that he had attended the meeting at SCDC, Planning. He advised that it did not cover a great deal of parish plan issues but provided a description of how the planning system works and the relationship with parish councils, who were asked for their assistance on planning matters. They were requested to be more proactive and to respond directly to the designated planning officer to express their views.

The Council agreed to proceed with a Parish Meeting (provisionally on 18 April 2007) to discuss with the parish whether to proceed with a parish plan for Brandeston.

(iii)     Drainage in The Street (previous minute 4-0607/5 (i)

The Chairman adjourned the meeting to permit Mr R O’Brien to discuss this matter as stated in the notes attached to these minutes. The Chairman then reconvened the meeting.

The Council requested the Clerk to arrange a site meeting with SCC, Highways (with Mr O’Brien present) on this subject. The Council agreed that the problem of the new “raised” kerb across the village hall entrance also be a further subject for the meeting.


5-0607/6 - Planning

(i)      The Clerk advised that application C06/1612/LBC (Removal of render and re-rendering – 37 The Street) had been approved.

(ii)      The Chairman confirmed that he and HS had attended a cordial and helpful meeting with The Master of Brandeston Hall School regarding the proposed new house and that a revised plan was to be submitted.

(iii)          C06/2071/FUL (Erection of Garage and Pergola  – Clovers, Mutton Lane)

After discussion, the Council agreed to raise no objection to this proposal but to request that a condition be imposed that materials appropriate to a conservation area be agreed prior to construction.

(iv)     C06/1923/FUL (Summer House at Red House, The Street)

The Council raised no objection but instructed the Clerk to point out to SCDC, Planning that once again, the drawings submitted did not fully reflect the extent of existing construction at the site, which meant a fully informed and considered judgement could not be made.






6-0607/6 – Financial Report by RFO (The Clerk)

(i)      The Clerk circulated the current cashbook position for both Council accounts. The main account has a current balance of £1,893.79 and the 100+ account a balance of £134.18 (both after allowing accruals for cheques raised and for latest receipts). The Clerk confirmed the satisfactory status of the Council’s finances.

(ii)      The Clerk also presented his proposed budget for 2007-08 as per the attached spreadsheet (file name – “budget-2007-08.xls”). After discussion the Council unanimously approved a precept application of £2050.


7-0607/6 – Financial Matters

The Council approved payment as follows :-

(i)             £8.00 to Brandeston VH&RG for room hire for the next Council meeting on 19 February 2007. ST withdrew from the meeting for this item.

(ii)           £17.50 to SCDC for the 100+ licence for 2007.


8-0607/6 – Council’s Nominee to Brandeston Village Hall and Recreation Ground Committee

The Council agreed appointment of KC to this role.

HS asked whether the formal audit of the hall accounts had now been completed. ST confirmed that this was in hand.


9-0607/6 – Horse Chestnut Tree (NE corner of Recreation Ground)

The Chairman advised the Council that SCDC had approved the proposals of himself and JG for tree surgery to the above under C06/00100/TCA.


10-0607/6 – Attendance at the SCDC North Area Liaison Meeting (13 December 2006)

The Council agreed for attendance by DR and JG on 13 December 2006.


11-0607/6 – Correspondence

There were no correspondence matters requiring the Council’s attention.


12-0607/6 - Variation to the agenda business

The Chairman agreed to permit discussion as follows :-

(i)      ST raised the matter of safety of vehicles leaving the recreation ground and sought the Council’s views on the fitting of polished steel mirrors opposite the entrance. The Council expressed reservations on this proposal

(ii)      ST advised that Mrs Woodland had established that Low Street was previously named Lower Candy and (Mrs Woodland) asked if the Council would support a reversion to this latter name? The Council asked ST to obtain more information to allow full consideration at the next Council meeting.


Date of Next Meetings

Dates of next meetings were agreed as 21 February 2007 at 8.00 pm (Council meeting), 18 April 2007 (Parish Plan meeting – provisional) and 25 April 2007 (Annual Parish Meeting – provisional)


The meeting closed at 10.00 pm




Mr O’Brien pointed out that the drainage outside his house had become worse particularly after recent heavy rain. Water runs from the bottom of Mill Lane and crosses the road to collect outside his house. Recent roadworks had not improved matters. He also advised that substantial amounts of water come out from manhole covers, which are marked “BT” and “Post Office”.